Unbelievable. Amazing. A peak life experience.
This will probably be a two-part post. We didn’t get to bed until 3 am and we’ve spent the last two hours just trying to talk our way through this experience. Not just last night, but from the very beginning – the entire journey.
Anyway, it was a spectacular evening. The changes that have been made to the show have made it better than ever. The audience loved it, the cheers went on and on, Jimmy came onstage at the end and played Margaritaville. The party was huge and noisy (I swear I heard about one-half of what was said to me!) and exuberant.
When we arrived at the party, a gentleman met us and escorted us to the press line. Don insisted I go with him (this photo was taken later) and it was just like in the movies: face this camera, face that camera, pose for me, smile, interviewers asking questions, cameras rolling. Surreal!
I’m sure we’ll get more photos like this – my friend Becki, who works for the La Jolla Playhouse, got this picture of us.
For a brief moment in time, we were ‘celebrities.’
The amazing, kind, generous and unbelievably talented cast of Escape to Margaritaville.
Don with a true Parrothead. The hat is spectacular, don’t you think?
The obligatory selfie.
This is about as much of the dress as I could get. It was hard to get pictures and Don had to leave for the theater before me, so I had no one to take my picture. But there were a lot of pictures taken by a lot of people, so hopefully, I’ll have one to share with you. The woman in the middle is the wife of one of the incredible musicians, Russ Henry.
I’ve run out of superlatives. Give me 24 hours and I’ll try to share it all with you in a more coherent fashion.
We are blessed. And my husband is simply unforgettable in this role.
And I just missed Jimmy. I still haven’t met him!
Happy Friday.