• I woke up too early. When I came downstairs, it was still darkish. In the shadows, I thought I glimpsed something…when it got even lighter, I saw this:
Three morning glories!
It’s raining a bit out there – we still need a whole heck of a lot more – and I grabbed the chance to capture the blooms with rain drops on them.
• I’ve been deleting photos from my photo library on this laptop for days now. I have to be ruthless about it. Before I transfer everything to the new computer, I want to clear the decks, as it were. I’ve deleted old downloads, no-longer-needed documents, bookmarks in various browsers. I take a lot of photos for my blog but what I am not good about is immediately deleting the ones I download but realize I can’t use. So I get a lot of duplicates, or photos of things that seemed important at the time, but are no longer relevant.
I keep every photo ever taken of the dogs. I won’t delete any. Last night, I saw so many photos of Scout as I scrolled through my library, that when I walked downstairs for dinner, I actually looked for her in the living room. I was expecting to see her. Oh, my girl.
• We are now watching Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries on Netflix and we’re really enjoying them. The first episode was a little less than exciting, but we now realize they were just finding their way and establishing who Miss Fisher is, etc. I’m glad we stuck with it because it’s very good, indeed.
• We spent part of the afternoon yesterday setting up Don’s new laptop. He’s so excited! You have no idea how bad the other one was. The circa 2008 colors were faded, it was terribly slow, and a while back, the connector for the ear buds broke off inside the laptop. Don took it to the Apple Store to see if they could fix it, but they couldn’t. So he had no sound. None. He listened to things on his phone, which is fine, but sometimes you need a bigger screen. He spent time yesterday watching things on YouTube and listening to his CD on the laptop (“It’s really good!” he said.)
I took a picture just now of Don with the laptop, but his morning hair is sticking up all over the place and I know he wouldn’t be pleased with it, so I’ll just show you his shiny, new MacBook Pro.
• Today may be all about the computer changeover. And reading the book I am to review on Monday. A heads up for you: I have a book review that has long been scheduled for Monday, and I just found out that a sponsored post I’ve done for BlogHer was okayed for Monday. Can’t have two posts on the same day, so the sponsored post will be up on Tuesday.
Happy Saturday.