The air quality has improved but it’s still at the orange level – unhealthy for sensitive groups. Looks like tomorrow will be back to normal, including the rain that is coming. One or the other lately: dangerous air quality or lots of rain. Can I choose something in-between, please? Or don’t we get that option?
We got the air conditioner. I sighed as we spent money we really didn’t want to spend. This time I went with an LG because I didn’t want to go with the only other option, a GE that was the exact same model we just got rid of. That unit was a problem from the beginning. Since I’d done my research (including what store had it in stock) we drove there, walked in the store, put the box in our cart, went though self-checkout, and were out of there in less than 10 minutes. We came home, I put it together, and now it’s in the window working beautifully. After several days of coping with high temperatures and humidity, it felt so good to have the house cool again. And it’s quieter than the other one, as well.
An neater and cleaner desk. I have to sort through that pile of paperwork on the left.
Must. Get. Going. On. This. Project.
I moved Dove Cottage to the top of the music cabinet.
It’s hard to take pictures in here. Since it’s densely populated by all of my stuff, Don’s musical instruments, a chair, lots of surfaces, etc., I can only back up so many steps. And I have to torque my body to get into little corners.
Don has a gig today about a couple of hours north of here. We need money, he hasn’t worked in over 4 years, I’m not working, blah blah blah, so he wrangled some bookings this month. He hasn’t sung in public like this for a while. I hope it goes well. It involves a lot of driving – though Don likes that. I’ll have some time to myself but within a couple of hours, I’ll miss him. I’m currently wondering if I should try to mow a little today (with a mask on.) It may be my only opportunity for a few days as rain is on the way,
Stay safe.
Happy Saturday.